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Participation in cultural event of Persian-speaking countries

Participation in cultural event of Persian-speaking countries.

Participation in cultural event of Persian-speaking countries

Participation in cultural event of Persian-speaking countries


On September 19, 2024, at the initiative of the diplomatic missions of Persian-speaking countries, including Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Iran, in cooperation with the diplomatic magazine “Society Magazine”, a cultural event of Persian-speaking countries entitled “Illuminating Legacies: Celebrating the Cultural Heritage of Persian-Speaking Countries” was held with the participation of representatives of governmental authorities of the Republic of Austria, diplomatic missions as well as international and regional organizations based in Vienna.

At the opening ceremony of the event, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tajikistan to the Republic of Austria Idibek Kalandar, delivering a speech, welcomed the guests of the event and informed participants about the ancient history and culture of the Tajik people and the memorials included to the lists of tangible and intangible world heritage of UNESCO.

At the national exhibition, visitors were presented with 4 sites included in the UNESCO List of tangible Heritage and 3 national traditions included by Tajikistan in this organization List of Intangible Heritage.

During the event, the guests also had a chance to taste Tajik national cuisine, and enjoy the performance of musicians and a dancer with national music and dance.

It is worth noting that this event has been held in Vienna for the third year on the initiative of Persian-speaking countries.


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Profesyonel Emlak