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Guardian Girls Karate launched in Los Angeles

Guardian Girls Karate launched in Los Angeles








Guardian Girls Karate launched in Los Angeles


Guardian Girls Karate launched in Los Angeles
The Guardian Girls Global Karate project was officially unveiled in Los Angeles (United States). The presentation of the far-reaching project to empower women through Karate training was held Friday at the residence of the Consul General of Japan in Los Angeles.

The event was headed by the Consul General of Japan in Los Angeles Kenko Sone, Los Angeles City Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez, KIF Global co-founder Shin Koyamada, UNFPA Chief Strategic Partnership Mariarosa Cutillo, and WKF President Antonio Espinós.

The World Karate Federation (WKF), the Koyamada International Foundation (KIF), and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) have joined forces to give girls and young women tools to overcome situations of gender-based violence through the practise of Karate.

The three organisations signed Friday the Memorandum of Understanding that officially launched the project of Guardian Girls Karate.


WKF President Antonio Espinós (seated centre) pose with Karate’s Japanese grandmasters in the US together with KIF Global co-founders Shin Koyamada and Nia Lyte, the Consul General of Japan in Los Angeles Kenko Sone, Olympian Irina Zaretska, and WFK Athletes’ Commission member and former World Champion Elisa Au.

WKF President Antonio Espinós said:

“The Guardian Girls Karate project will contribute to further connecting Karate with society and thus using the strength of Karate’s values to fight Gender Based Violence. Through the agreement today, the WKF, KIF and UNFPA partner to empower women through Karate seminars at all Karate 1-Premier League events starting January 2023.

“We will devote all our resources to the success of this project as we believe that there is no greater contribution that we can bring to society than helping in the fight against Gender-Based Violence.”

Prior to the presentation of the programme, WKF President Antonio Espinós met Karate’s Japanese grandmasters in the US. In the presence of the Consul General of Japan in Los Angeles Kenko Sone and KIF Global co-founder Shin Koyamada, Mr Espinós thanked the grandmasters for their efforts to promote Karate in the country in a showcase of the unity of Karate.

WKF President Antonio Espinós said:

“All of you are fully responsible for the status that Karate has reached all over the world. Now, Karate is a respected, honourable, and highly regarded discipline that has demonstrated, over and over, to bring tremendous added value to society. This achievement has only been possible thanks to your contribution of many decades of hard work. For that, the Karate family will always be immensely grateful to all of you.”

(Top picture: From left to right: WKF General Secretary Toshihisa Nagura, KIF Global co-founders Shin Koyamada and Nia Lyte, UNFPA Chief Strategic Partnership Mariarosa Cutillo, WKF President Antonio Espinós, Los Angeles City Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez, and the Consul General of Japan in Los Angeles Kenko Sone)

WKF President Antonio Espinós addresses the audience at the ceremony.


KIF Global co-founder Shin Koyamada, UNFPA Chief Strategic Partnership Mariarosa Cutillo, and WKF President Antonio Espinós show the MoU signed today.


WKF President Antonio Espinós, WKF General Secretary Toshihisa Nagura, KIF Global co-founder Shin Koyamada, and the Consul General of Japan in Los Angeles Kenko Sone pose with Karate’s Japanese grandmasters in the US.




Profesyonel Emlak