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President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev made a video address to the participants of the World Economic Forum

President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev made a video address to the participants of the World Economic Forum





International community

President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev made a video address to the participants of the World Economic Forum

On the sidelines of the World Economic Forum, currently taking place in Davos, Switzerland, Kazakhstan’s President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev made a video address to a roundtable organized by the Astana International Financial Centre.

In his address, the Head of State focused on the pressing issues of the global agenda. According to President Tokayev, the COVID-19 pandemic and the situation in Ukraine have fragmented and regionalized the global economy, which now faces a new geopolitical stress test on the Eurasian continent.

The President spoke about the measures taken by Kazakhstan to improve the healthcare system in the context of tackling the consequences of the pandemic, as well as to support small and medium-sized enterprises and infrastructure projects.

In addition, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev informed the forum participants in detail about the ongoing large-scale political and economic reforms and preparations for the upcoming national referendum on amendments and additions to the Constitution.

The Head of State noted that Kazakhstan is committed to environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) goals. He stated that the country remains a reliable partner in ensuring continuous supply chains of goods, raw materials and agricultural products to global markets.

“Growing a green economy, promoting energy efficiency and driving the renewable energy sector will be priorities of our Low-Carbon Development Strategy which will provide the optimal pathway to net zero by 2060,” the President of Kazakhstan said.

In conclusion, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev underlined Kazakhstan’s commitment to its international obligations and universal principles of human rights and the rule of law.

The roundtable was attended by representatives of major global investment companies, the non-profit sector, and international media.

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Profesyonel Emlak