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Press Release Regarding the Burning of the Holy Quran in Sweden

Press Release Regarding the Burning of the Holy Quran in Sweden




No: 21, 21 January 2023, Press Release Regarding the Burning of the Holy Quran in Sweden

We condemn in the strongest possible terms the vile attack on our holy book, the Quran, in Sweden today (21 January), despite our repeated warnings earlier. Permitting this anti-Islam act, which targets Muslims and insults our sacred values, under the guise of “freedom of expression” is completely unacceptable. This is an outright hate crime.

This despicable act is yet another example of the alarming level that Islamophobia and, racist and discriminatory movements have reached in Europe.

We call on Swedish authorities to take necessary measures against the perpetrators of this hate crime; invite all countries as well as international organizations to take concrete steps in solidarity against Islamophobia.




Profesyonel Emlak