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WKF President discusses development of Karate with high-level government officials in Navarra

WKF President discusses development of Karate with high-level government officials in Navarra

WKF President discusses development of Karate with high-level government officials in Navarra

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WKF President Antonio Espinós met with high-level sports and government officials from the region of Navarra where the Karate 1-Series A Pamplona is being held this weekend. The development of Karate and the organisation of major events of the sport were discussed at the meeting.

Mr Espinós headed the Karate delegation that had Spanish Karate Federation (RFEK) President Antonio Moreno and members of the RFEK board in attendance. The representatives of Karate were welcomed by the president of the Navarra government Maria Chivite at the Navarra Palace as the first day of the Karate 1-Series A Pamplona was underway.

The meeting also had the participation of Delegate of Sports of the Navarra government Rebeca Esnaola, the Managing Director of the Navarra Institute of Sports Miguel Angel Pozueta, and the Director of the Navarra Arena sports hall Moncho Urdiain.

WKF President Antonio Espinós said:

“Karate has the huge potential to develop and continue growing in Spain as the country is one of the world’s biggest powerhouse nations of the sport. I have no doubt that with the support of officials like the government of Navarra today, and the invaluable contribution of the Royal Spanish Karate Federation under the strong leadership of its President Antonio Moreno, Karate will continue flourishing at the highest level here.

Hosting a world-class Karate event in Navarra, such as the Karate 1-Series A Pamplona this weekend is the perfect opportunity to showcase the greatness of Karate and the many values of our sport.”



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Profesyonel Emlak